21.  Parents enjoin children repeatedly on account of worry.

22.  It has been seen since the early nineties and, although appearing to wane from time to time, has repeatedly re-surfaced in different eras.

23.  During the on-road exercises, the coaches emphasize repeatedly the importance of safety in daily driving.

24.  Deliberate practice means doing what we hate but benefits us in the long run repeatedly.

25.  Personal speaking, those violence in media does contribute to the campus violence's repeatedly occurrence.

26.  If a problem occurs repeatedly, which only shows that the problem has not been resolved.

27.  And treasonous young people have been repeatedly warned that parents and watchdog groups may seek controls.

28.  Some kids repeatedly watch the news stories about the school force on television and seek excitement through violent media.

29.  So the only way that someone, with rich experience or not, want to do his best in career is to integrate the experience with dedication and repeatedly practice.

30.  Experience is just solitary exertion, repeatedly practicing ordinary tasks.

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