71.  As a concession, the Americans had agreed that the first day would consist of foursomes, a format they rarely played but the English relished.

72.  Digital worlds like Ozone _ created using the Virtual Reality Modeling Language, or VRML _ are rarely compatible with one another.

73.  Davis seems to have endless patience and rarely gets angry at Burke, even though he continues to take illegal drugs despite his illness.

74.  Direct PC sales have gone in and out of fashion for more than a decade, rarely rising above a market niche.

75.  Discharge petitions are rarely successful.

76.  Disclosures of revenue before a quarter ends are not required by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and analysts say Kodak rarely makes such voluntary disclosures.

77.  Days are generally pleasant year-round, with highs rarely going above 80 degrees.

78.  Diabetes, which was rarely diagnosed in black South Africans 25 years ago, now affects 8 percent of the black population between the ages of 30 and 65.

79.  Disputes between competing slates of electors have occurred only rarely in modern times.

80.  DCF officials in Miami say they rarely refer cases to the IG's office.

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