21.  Despite all the talk about homelessness, welfare reform and poor people, the homeless rarely get a chance to share their own views, Boden said.

22.  Despite that fame, Coase's ideas on the nature of business were rarely mentioned inside corporate boardrooms and executive offices.

23.  Despite that promise in Los Angeles, he rarely uttered a word that sounded entirely his own.

24.  Cynical and sugary attitudes have shaped series in the past, of course, but rarely has one season offered such a Manichaean split.

25.  Despite the broad powers granted to the liquor department, it rarely revokes a bar's liquor license, no matter how great a blight the place may be.

26.  Despite good qualifications and good interviews, I am rarely offered a position.

27.  Despite increased verbal lashings against opponents, though, Chavez's government was rarely repressive.

28.  Demonstrations are rarely tolerated.

29.  Dennis Hopper is doing something he rarely does _ reflecting on his life.

30.  Despite the fact that New York is the second-largest state in the union, it rarely plays a major role in a presidential race.

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