61.  The Berkeley startup hopes to raise its profile by getting people to name the stinkers of the Web.

62.  The company, said Michael Townshend, its director of international affairs, has set a deadline of next October for raising financing and commitments to use the pipeline.

63.  The decision by the gallery director, Kathy Schnapper, to display the photographs has raised vexing questions about taste and discretion.

64.  The issue raises perplexing legal questions, Putnam said.

65.  The Japanese automakers also raised their spending.

66.  The higher egg prices could last the rest of the year because it takes six months to raise laying hens.

67.  The lane toward which my cabin fronted was gravel then, and the old cars and broken trucks passing slowly along it raised blowing rooster tails of chalky dust.

68.  The lengths of those lists have raised hedging to a new level and have guaranteed contented hours of cocktail conversation.

69.  The man is raising his rifle to shoot, while the horse is turning away from the direction of fire, perhaps bracing itself against the impending recoil.

70.  The prospect of higher interest rates, which raise borrowing costs for companies, will likely drag down stocks.

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