31.  Gore, they say, has raised vetting to new levels of thoroughness and inclusiveness.

32.  Got arrested . . . for riding my bike with a group called Critical Mass to raise cycling rights and environmental awareness issues.

33.  He argues it would be imprudent to raise spending further with the national economy skidding.

34.  I was raised communicating in a dysfunctional family through laughter.

35.  If things worsen, the group could raise financing via its foreign subsidiaries, which are largely debt-free.

36.  In fact, the authors have raised brining to a fetish throughout the book.

37.  In some key areas, however, Bush would raise spending dramatically.

38.  In the third quarter, most of them started to raise spending, but that came after more than two years of declines.

39.  INCOMES AND SPENDING RISE Steady job gains pushed incomes solidly higher in August, as consumers raised their spending at a moderate rate.

40.  Institute officials and supporters raised funding for the recreation center through private donations and federal matching dollars.

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