71.  Before the euro, European companies raised money primarily by borrowing from banks.

72.  Beneath their bluster and self-absorption, they raised troubling questions about the war that our leaders seemed at a loss to answer.

73.  Besides derailing the murder and perjury cases, the suspect photograph raises questions about Psytep and about the value of satellite photography to criminal investigations in general.

74.  Beyond details of ownership, the creation of Sovereign Hill Software raised the spectre of conflicts of interest.

75.  Beyond that rather eerie form of Big Brotherly management, the DIVX plan raises other, more troubling issues.

76.  Beyond the debate over the policy Bush is advocating, the timing raised concerns.

77.  Beyond the question about whether the experiment can work scientifically, bioethicists raise some other concerns.

78.  Besides being a tale of lonely hearts and heartless Lotharios, the case raises questions about the use of the federal racketeering act.

79.  Besides soybeans and Percheron colts, he raises domestic geese, pea and guinea fowl, doves and ducks.

80.  Between them, his three children raised two engineers, an assistant school principal, a small-business man and a newspaper columnist.

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