31.  As the Hong Kong government raised interest rates to defend its currency, the higher borrowing costs sent Hong Kong stocks plummeting.

32.  As far back as slavery times, black matriarchs raised children who were separated from their parents.

33.  At a company meeting in New York Wednesday with financial analysts, no one raised a question about the statements, despite some chatter on Internet bulletin boards.

34.  At a meat shop, the butcher raised the metal grill over the door to let in one person at a time.

35.  At dinner on Wednesday night, Powell raised the issue of human rights violations in China during a wide-ranging conversation with Qian.

36.  At a coffee shop in East Jerusalem Thursday, Palestinian men smoking sweet tobacco from water pipes raised their voices when asked about the tape.

37.  At Genzyme, the spinouts raise money on Wall Street to finance high-risk drug development.

38.  At a coffee shop a half-block from the prison, the sight of television and radio trucks raised a few eyebrows.

39.  At every stop, he raises one scandal or another.

40.  At one point, members of a mile-long line raised their arms, trying to start a wave.

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