21.  Anyone who does not watch television cannot possibly understand mainstream American culture.

22.  As a private company, it would be strongly tempted to cut back or even eliminate purchases from Russia, possibly by flooding the market with cheap natural uranium.

23.  Depending on whom one believes, the answer is likely to be more convenient air travel or higher air fares, or possibly a combination of the two.

24.  Deutsche Bank AG, Europe's largest bank, wants to grow in Europe, possibly by acquiring a French bank, Chief Executive Rolf Breuer said.

25.  Dallas said he is compiling a list of contractors who may have done shoddy work, possibly enabling them to pocket funds.

26.  Devon White's diving attempt has possibly cost the Dodgers center fielder the rest of the season.

27.  Dance is upfront on Broadway this season, very possibly because dance expresses what words cannot.

28.  Danforth left for Capitol Hill after his news conference to meet with the leadership and several chairmen to outline his authority and possibly calm the roiling political waters.

29.  Daniels' skull was severely fractured in the beating; he is expected to survive, but possibly with permanent vision impairment.

30.  Diaz said Nenno came to the Houston area in mid-1992, possibly from Blytheville, Ark.

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