11.  Despite Buchanan's surging start, the most likely outcome is that Dole, or possibly Alexander, will take the prize.

12.  Despite rumors Walker might be given another post, possibly something on the order of a Speaker Pro Tempore, Walker said he has heard of no such position.

13.  Despite such problems, the farm is running smoothly now and heading toward its first year of profit, possibly this year.

14.  Democrats said that even if the legislation does pass, funding would come from another source, possibly in a supplemental spending bill.

15.  Despite not having a first-round pick, they can possibly sign a free agent and still have a good tackle fall to them in second round.

16.  D/FW officials later began a $3.3 million study to reconstruct the terminal faces, possibly with thick blast walls.

17.  Despite Russian requests for a face-to-face meeting, possibly during foreign travel by "B," the spy refused.

18.  Despite the 1998 record, a number of scientists said they believed the world is likely to be cooler in 1999 and possibly 2000 as well.

19.  Despite their now-reversed position in the polls, Harman did not attack the lieutenant governor, possibly because it's difficult to demonize Davis.

20.  Depending on the assessment of the rescue teams on Sunday, more teams may be sent, possibly increasing the number to 50.

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