1.  Any remaining amounts, however large, will not be available until the banks' assets have been sold off, perhaps years from now.

2.  Defensive lapses had exposed him to numerous dangerous shots, so perhaps Campbell thought a change of goalies might help his players renew their commitment to defense.

3.  Dental hygiene for our pets gives them a better quality of life and perhaps even a longer one.

4.  Cuba has never looked so inviting, perhaps because the movie was shot in Mexico.

5.  Derr said the cost to eliminate MTBE would be modest, increasing the price of a gallon of gas by perhaps 1 or 2 cents.

6.  Described in a joint news release, after which both sides declined to comment further, it was perhaps the first time they had agreed in nearly six months.

7.  Depending on the timing and significance of the death, it may take years _ perhaps into adulthood _ for a child to complete the grieving process.

8.  Depending on the week, the duo reportedly has been headed to New York, Denver, or perhaps even destined to remain in Chicago.

9.  Depending upon what's available, perhaps you can batch some of your other paid time off with the vacation benefit.

10.  Depleted oil fields and coal seams could hold perhaps a few hundred billion tons of carbon, a fraction of the ocean's capacity.

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