31.  Any trial would probably target only a small number of top figures, perhaps 15 or 20.

32.  Customs duties and perhaps other taxes would be set lower than in the rest of Russia in order to stimulate international trade.

33.  Democrats had waited anxiously for the president to announce his decision, perhaps the most important he has made on any domestic issue.

34.  Democrats hold at least 42 of the 80 Assembly seats and perhaps more.

35.  Democrats hope to make health care a major issue in the current legislative session and perhaps through the 2000 election.

36.  Democrats led in the East, the Midwest, and in the West, a region where perhaps a dozen Republican freshmen were at risk.

37.  Despite some fine performances, Sinatra was perhaps better known on the set for his poor work habits as an actor.

38.  Despite such occasional signs of mutual respect, the sisters have had their differences, perhaps none more so than in matters of family.

39.  Despite that _ or perhaps because of it since Communists and nationalists distasteful to the West are far in the lead _ Yeltsin gets praise abroad.

40.  Despite the clumsiness, or perhaps because of it, my husband really loves this dog.

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