1.  Department of Insurance spokesman Randy McConnell attributed the higher number of complaints last year partly to consumer education provisions of the 1997 Missouri managed-care legislation.

2.  Depp, who has been made partly bald for the role of Raoul Duke, turns in a clever performance.

3.  Delta blamed the bland numbers partly on skewed comparisons with the same period a year earlier.

4.  Demand for U.S. stocks this year is strong partly because investors fled other markets, such as Latin America, which had poor returns in 1994.

5.  DES Director Linda Blessing blames it partly on an unprecedented 37 percent increase in valid child-abuse reports and not having enough caseworkers to investigate them all.

6.  Currently, sport utilities are the biggest gas-guzzlers in the nation's passenger fleet, partly because they qualify for more lenient federal regulations than cars.

7.  Democrats are motivated about this campaign partly by the fact that they came figuratively within feet of a majority last November, Lewis said.

8.  CVS directly into competition with several "pure" Internet players, including Drugstore.com, which is partly owned by Amazon.com.

9.  Despite the earlier Norton's strenous efforts, the United States did not formally assert its claim until 1971, partly at the urging of the state of Maine.

10.  Democrats who were confident about Strickland's chances a month ago seem less so now, partly because, they say, he has made several tactical errors recently.

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