81.  Democrats, only partly aware of what was happening behind the scenes in the Republican caucus, gave their unanimous consent to Lott's timetable.

82.  Dennis Rodman, back from an injury, was partly responsible, grabbing 20 rebounds and keeping his body glued to Anthony Mason's on the defensive end.

83.  Department leaders said they made the cut partly to reduce the field of applicants.

84.  Depending on its ranking in the model after four quarters, a stock may be partly or wholly sold and replaced by a stock with better scores.

85.  Dr. Manuel Mota said he left Arizona partly because of his problems with ValueOptions.

86.  Despite Bondi's many letters to Austrian lawyers, she never sued for restitution, partly because she lacked the financial resources, her family and friends said.

87.  Doubts about whether Habibie had real power were partly erased this week when he was named to replace President Suharto.

88.  Despite its high-tech motif, Internet House developer Kevin Hurley would agree that the building is at least partly rooted in the past.

89.  DRAM sales will be fueled partly by the next version of Microsoft Corp.'s operating system, Windows 98, due out next year.

90.  Drivers' union officials say their threat to protest is partly to counter the owners' blockade, so that the government will not give in to their demands.

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