81.  From my point of view, we should be optimistic about life, no matter how terrible the experiences we once had.

82.  At that time, \

83.  After the crisis , once Iflew to Texas for another of his brithdays .

84.  The writer called Clyde once a day after the writer returned home.

85.  Worried about him being alone, I called him once a day after I returned home to New York.

86.  Once Gussie came back to Spur and have a visitation.

87.  Women are friends, I once would have said, when they totally love and support and trust each other, and bare to each other the secrets of their souls, and run-no questions asked-to help each other, and tell harsh truths to each other (no, you can't wear that dress unless you lose ten pounds first) when harsh truths must be told.

88.  In other words, I once would have said that a friend is a friend all the way, but now I believe that's a narrow point of view.

89.  And out of respect for those crossroads years, for those dreams we once shared, we will always be friends.

90.  Once in the trance state, you're able to ignore most of the messages of your body and mind, and thereby become receptive to certain ideas.

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