61.  Worried about him being alone , his son called him once a day.

62.  The last but not least , you should go from the start and read again what you wrote on your notebook once a week.

63.  We should look up dictionary once and once and this work make our reading inefficient.

64.  They just study it by reading and using once by once.

65.  Many immigrant Chinese encountured the scean at least once, in which their foreign friends make a joke and people guffaw while they feel rather bored.

66.  Once you find out that you misunderstand almost everything a foreigner tells you, you may be in fatal troubles.

67.  Though I called him once a day from New York, he still felt lonely sometimes.

68.  Once a time he met Gussie Lee occasionally.

69.  Once being interested in the content, we may abate so much trouble of forcing ourselves to memorize the words one by one .

70.  A Hand to Hold\

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