1.  Any purchases by Telmex just before earnings were reported would be "obviously outside the law," he said.

2.  Denson obviously has ability, but he won't step in for Max Lane or Todd Rucci right away.

3.  Denver obviously needs him next year if it hopes to become the first team in history to win a third straight Super Bowl.

4.  Cuban also obviously loves the thrill of a basketball deal.

5.  Cuban officials obviously knew that an attack on American-based civilian aircraft would bring about yet another crisis with the United States.

6.  Denver, obviously, is a town where a walking dead man can keep pretty darn busy.

7.  Desk toys, obviously, don't have to fit on one's desk.

8.  Depth perception was obviously not a strong suit of Joseph O'Sullivan's.

9.  CURRY: The dynamic obviously changes if he does what you said.

10.  Customers obviously like online service, as shown by the intermediary booking companies' success.

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