71.  Dole obviously felt he must to do something daring.

72.  Dole obviously knew that he had hit a big political pothole.

73.  Down time for the bass, but for Bush, it was obviously paradise.

74.  Downs, obviously, refuses to see a down side to any of this.

75.  Dr. Dean Ornish obviously disagrees.

76.  Designers are obviously crazy for hip-slung skirts or pants, old-fashioned hip huggers, and tops that resemble sports bras.

77.  Designing a Web page obviously has a lot in common with designing a magazine layout.

78.  Desperate times obviously called for desperate measures.

79.  Dr. Nanette K. Wenger, a cardiologist at Emory University in Atlanta, said "case control studies are obviously weak."

80.  Dr. Ralph Greenspan, the lead researcher, said fruit flies and humans obviously are vastly different.

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