61.  A new type of statistical technique, called Bayesian shrinkage models, can greatly increase the reliability of estimates of the impact on store sales of promotions.

62.  A president who shies away from conflict will greatly increase their power.

63.  A merger with RJR or another large tobacco company would vastly increase the amount tobacco plaintiffs could win in a settlement.

64.  A U.S. interest-rate cut will also increase the pressure on reluctant European central banks to follow suit.

65.  Air-travel tensions have also increased the number of complaints from passengers about airline employees, among other things.

66.  All should substantially increase their profit margins on home video.

67.  Bribery may directly increase the danger of a building, because builders may recoup the money they spend on bribes by purchasing substandard construction materials.

68.  Both changes will greatly increase the competition farmers face from imports.

69.  Cheney had also increased his more mundane vice presidential duties.

70.  Chrysler is now increasing rebates on former hot-sellers such as minivans and Jeep Grand Cherokees.

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