61.  As a result, Landesman said, he does not consider the Walter Kerr newly valuable property.

62.  Delta in June announced Chautauqua Airlines, a newly added contract partner, would take over intra-Florida flying from Comair.

63.  Dosanjh's campaign for the premiership also generated controversy by signing up thousands of Indo Canadians as newly minted New Democrats.

64.  Demand from newly industrializing nations, led by China, is soaring.

65.  Demeter, who was tending a newly planted garden, was not optimistic either.

66.  Douglas Spain shows real star quality as 18-year-old Carlos, newly arrived in Hollywood from a long stay with relatives in Mexico.

67.  Dove said it may pay certain vendors with newly issued stock, to conserve cash.

68.  Don't leave a newly discharged patient alone.

69.  Dowling said growth would decelerate in the so-called newly industrializing countries of Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, among the richer countries in the region.

70.  Down another track were another 12 "foxholes," all newly dug.

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