51.  As a result, he cautioned against interpreting that PMPA might be better than AZT or the newly approved protease inhibitors in people who are chronically infected with HIV.

52.  AOL's newly revamped Shopping Channel brings in revenue through marketing agreements with merchants.

53.  As coordinator of peer support at Atlanta's Shepherd Center, she helps pair newly injured patients with those who have successfully navigated a world on wheels.

54.  Does the newly appointed Russian premier Sergei Kiriyenko face the fate of a kamikaze?

55.  Dole and Kemp now have a more energetic aura, and tens of millions of dollars in newly released campaign financing to buy advertisements.

56.  Dole could become the oldest newly inaugurated president in American history if he wins the election this year.

57.  Defender Robin Fraser's injured ankle is healed and newly acquired Mexican striker Luis Hernandez has had a full week of uninterrupted training.

58.  Dole's relationship with Fanjul is newly relevant because Dole this week decried noncitizens' contributing to politicians in an effort to influence federal policy.

59.  Dole's newly ambiguous position on the assault weapon ban follows a controversy over his stand on abortion rights.

60.  Distancing himself from his colleague, Kwasniewski stressed to NATO leaders that the spy scandal was a test of Poland's newly formed democratic institutions.

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