71.  Although I must admit that while wearing my Breathe Right I didn't get nearly as winded searching for my remote control as I normally do.

72.  Despite all that, nearly 20 percent of students manage to lose their virginity in college, according to surveys.

73.  Despite our best efforts, they very nearly stripped all seven trees.

74.  Democrats also derided Republicans for budgeting nearly $1 million for the select subcommittee.

75.  Despite pushing up the bids by nearly $15 billion since Monday morning, they failed to knock out smaller players and must now face five competitors.

76.  Despite sending nearly 60 letters to researchers requesting a copy of the protocols and consent forms, the commission received only 13 sets of materials.

77.  Despite Spurrier's complaints, Florida is scoring nearly 32 points a game.

78.  Despite temperatures approaching 100 degrees in Daytona Beach, the beach was nearly deserted Thursday afternoon.

79.  Cynthia hitchhiked to a shelter and has been clean nearly six years.

80.  Despite decades of immigration to the cities, nearly 60 percent of Hondurans still live in the countryside.

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