41.  As a first-year law student nearly a quarter-century ago, Zoe Lofgren helped draft one of the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon.

42.  Currently, Bulmer controls nearly half of the annual 1.1 billion-pound cider market with its Scrumpy Jack, Strongbow and Woodpecker brands.

43.  Currently, nearly 15 percent of all affordable housing projects in the pipeline are age-restricted, according to the state Department of Housing and Community Development.

44.  Currently, nearly 500 drivers are working split shifts of 10 hours or more and get paid two or more hours of overtime as part of their contract.

45.  Currently, nearly all campuses exceed the cap.

46.  Currently, nearly all experimental AIDS vaccines are targeted against the B-subtype, which is still predominant in North America.

47.  Despite his troubled past, in the capital city Henderson is well-known and admired for his nearly single-handed development of a sports center for East Austin youths.

48.  Currently, the company said it has nearly three times more merchants than its competitors, including Excite, Jango and Junglee, which was recently acquired by Amazon.com.

49.  Currently, US troops are scattered in nearly 100 locations around the globe, including the UN peacekeeping missions in the Balkans.

50.  Currie said the organization hopes to find the funds and resources to rebuild itself over the next few months, but she nearly has lost hope that will happen.

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