51.  A number of estimates have been made of the effects of regional policy in terms of new jobs created directly and indirectly.

52.  A number of methodological criticisms have been made of these studies which cast serious doubt on the validity of their findings.

53.  A number of misleading claims are made by companies suggesting that their products are environmentally friendly when clearly they are not.

54.  A package deal makes some sense.

55.  A pair of these, with a simple matching scarf in a lovely colour, makes a quick but most acceptable present.

56.  A paper clip slipped along the narrow fold makes the players stand more easily.

57.  A particularly hardy strain of the virus can make you ill for over a week.

58.  A person from outside the process area who has no vested interest in an issue makes the best facilitator.

59.  A pilot can make Alvin hover, neutrally buoyant.

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