21.  A final Decision will be made once the stricken destroyer is towed away.

22.  A foam filter plus a bucket in warm place will make a temporary home for many fish.

23.  A formal announcement will be made in Parliament.

24.  A freezer and microwave oven can make light work of cooking.

25.  A fresh blanket of snow makes it difficult to see exactly how wide a swath the Merced and its feeder creeks cut.

26.  A further announcement will be made in the near future.

27.  A glance at the provisions of the Convention makes interesting reading.

28.  A good mind and a warm heart can be made impotent if there is no commitment.

29.  A good polish reviver can be made by mixing equal parts of raw linseed oil, substitute turps and vinegar.

30.  A government guarantee of risky loans to new ventures makes more sense.

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