1.  There is a mass of stereotypes on campus and I just list 3 of them.

2.  It's not fair to make such a list about someone without knowing him further.

3.  I have never think about open the course list of math, physics, astronomy etc.

4.  So if you open the list of elective courses on our campus, you will find the number of students who choose the humanities surely beyond their needs, but science departments are often empty.

5.  For carrying out these two goals, I have specified a list of measures.

6.  Besides, I still need to read a long list of books and grasp the basic knowledge as well as application skills .

7.  First of all, I plan to enlarge the vocabulary through memorizing the GRE word list step by step and reading English magazines.

8.  However, if we memory words by translating and memorizing long lists of test words, we will find it hard to re-memory because what we can re-memory besides the words is the list number.

9.  hangding a word list , memorizing it every day, what does it mean ?

10.  At present, most students acquiry words and expressions by memorizing the words and their translations on the word list books, because by this way, they can ackownledge a large number of test words in a short time, so that they can pass the examinations.

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