71.  Both parties want to increase funding for education, a Bush campaign pledge.

72.  Both talk about the need to increase spending on public schools in the district and to build a Second Avenue subway.

73.  Bottrell declined to comment on how much the company would increase spending.

74.  A campaign leaflet promises to increase financing for state schools.

75.  A coup attempt within his own party this summer prompted him to increase spending on political advisers and public relations consultants.

76.  A leading politician of the ruling political party also contributed to the decline by saying the government may increase spending to stimulate the economy, traders said.

77.  A centerpiece of his campaign has been a promise to increase funding for education, and raise the salary of school teachers to the national average.

78.  A NASA official also said the agency would increase funding for needed testing and development.

79.  A government-appointed tax panel has recommended the finance department scrap the so-called marketable securities tax, a move that would increase trading substantially.

80.  A minor change, giving three points instead of two for an opening-round victory, encouraged attacking play and increased scoring from the previous World Cup.

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