21.  I hope therefore that the Department of Transport will do whatever possible to increase motoring costs by such methods as petrol taxes and road pricing.

22.  However, as McKendrick has pointed out, increased spending on a greater volume and range of consumer goods does not need to have been general or even typical.

23.  The Canadian parliament recently extended patent protection after pharmaceutical companies promised to control prices and to increase their spending on research into new drugs.

24.  If credit rationing has been in force, then a relaxation of controls will increase borrowing and spending.

25.  The Conservative philosophy is not just to increase spending.

26.  CHESTER Health Authority has increased spending on patients by two per cent.

27.  We shall do this while continuing to increase spending on the essential public services on which we all depend.

28.  That is likely to be matched by further moves towards the free market for most farm produce and increased spending on structural or direct social support in rural areas.

29.  It also aims to increase its funding from the private sector.

30.  Secondly, the rising cost of raw materials tended to increase scrapping by making old plants unprofitable even in the absence of a faster growth of product wages.

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