81.  As a breathless Avants gathered her rackets, an autograph seeker asked, "How old are you?"

82.  Depending on how you configure a system, though, either or both could be in use.

83.  Depending on how you define it, you can come up with radically different business models and valuations."

84.  Depending on how you look at it, China either has a gigantic market for mergers and acquisitions or virtually none at all.

85.  Depending on how you look at it, we're second or third in the national standing.

86.  Depending on the chemistry of how parenting works, you're going to see a positive or negative effect on children."

87.  Depending on the grape varietal, where it is from and how it has been cellared, you will get different flavors.

88.  Depending on what machinery is used and how it is calibrated, some of these kinds of goods might have to be barred from normal mail service.

89.  Depending on what the vinegar is made from and how it is made, flavors vary widely.

90.  Depending on what you buy and how long you take to pay, finance charges can turn a bargain into a pricey proposition.

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