41.  Department officials conceded they did not know how much of the 25 million pounds remained uneaten.

42.  Depending on how 25 percent is determined, Leach said, a bank could buy a variety of commercial enterprises.

43.  Depending on how carefully it's treated, videotape can remain watchable for anywhere from five to 30 years.

44.  Depending on how close the division race continues to be, he will likely catch around 135 games, a tad fewer than the 144 he caught last year.

45.  Depending on how comfortable Troy is with Eric or Herschel, either one could be used as an extra wide receiver.

46.  Depending on how Dole fares next Tuesday in the Rust Belt, if he wins California, that could be enough to ensure him the nomination.

47.  Depending on how easily you're amused, Windows 95 will hold your interest for five minutes to a few months.

48.  Depending on how his lineup shapes up, Burns may try some of that again Saturday, he said.

49.  Depending on how it goes, Republicans may introduce a new continuing resolution to reopen government.

50.  Depending on how it is formulated, Cipla's cocktail costs as little as $83 a month, versus $1,000 or more in the West.

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