61.  Although it is impossible to verify numbers of troops inside, their number is commonly estimated as high as 20,000.

62.  Despite the recent cuts, rates are still higher now than they were in 1995, according to the Department of Insurance.

63.  Despite the uncertainty, the study's authors say, it is clear that the United States "ranks quite high in terms of its biotic diversity."

64.  Dioxin is stored in fat, so the fatter a person is, the higher his dioxin levels are likely to be.

65.  Different varieties come in mind-boggling numbers and grow from 8 to 24 inches high, usually reaching equally wide.

66.  Dessert is a pulpy passion fruit soup with sorbets served in a stunning goblet that rises higher than the crown of my head.

67.  Digital recording really has attained a very high, very musical standard.

68.  Dignity's stock early this year was trading as high as $14.50 a share.

69.  Davis had considered offers from other teams, starting as high as $3.5 million per season, before coming to terms with the Mavs.

70.  Discounts can run as high as 30 percent if disability or income replacement plans are purchased through such organizations, said Tretter.

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