31.  Depending on how the transaction was structured, the return could range as high as 20 percent annually, said Jon E. Krabbenschmidt, a partner with the firm.

32.  Depending on the level of disability, the actors memorize their lines using Braille, audiotapes or text almost half an inch high.

33.  Depending on the state, the percentage can run as high as 3 percent.

34.  Depending on the type of exposure, "it can go up as high as 5 to 10 percent," he said.

35.  Depsite the positive sales figures, many retail stocks slipped or moved only slightly higher yesterday.

36.  Deputy Park Superintendent Hal Grovert said it took 45 minutes for the dust, which towered 3,000 feet high, to settle.

37.  Despite the passage of five decades, emotions run high.

38.  Detroit Fire Chief Archie Warde said, "As high as 30 percent or better of our fires occur because of careless cigarette smokers."

39.  Despite these expectations of increased production, crude oil and gasoline prices are moving higher.

40.  Despite this, the skill level begins with intermediates, and ranges to expert, depending on how high a skier climbs and which slopes he skis.

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