1.  Cuban frequently goes off on this topic.

2.  Cullinane said he has visited Dublin three times in the last year and doesn't expect to appear much more frequently than that.

3.  DeRoss Kellogg, who taught both boys in elementary school and has visited Tulloch frequently in jail, stood nearly tongue-tied after Tulloch's hearing.

4.  Desperate to keep sales up and inventory moving along, even high-end merchants are frequently willing to grant 25 percent to 40 percent discounts.

5.  Depp smokes frequently, but he condemns the vice as virulently as any anti-smoker.

6.  Delighted shareholders at the meeting frequently applauded Wetherell, with one investor begging him to take good care of his health.

7.  Cuomo said that as he traveled the country talking about these problems, the reaction he frequently got was surprise.

8.  Curiously, sub-freezing temperatures in June are observed more frequently in Flagstaff, Ariz., than in Fairbanks.

9.  Current treatments for H. pylori involve complicated antibiotic combinations that frequently cause side effects and are too expensive for Third World countries.

10.  Despite equal opportunity legislation, job advertisements frequently specify "recruiting men only."

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