91.  Did she have an inherent eating disorder, which you see in gymnasts frequently, making her bones brittle?"

92.  Do you frequently use one credit card to pay off another?

93.  Do you frequently worry about the future?

94.  Doctors say that it frequently rests on nothing firmer than judgment calls on difficult questions like these:

95.  Doctors who perform these abortions argue that they use the procedure most frequently because the mother's life is in danger or the fetus is severely malformed.

96.  Doctors will also be advised to check patient blood levels more frequently for elevated liver enzymes.

97.  Doctors frequently pin drug resistance on non-adherent patients, which frustrates people who have followed their regimens.

98.  Doctors frequently prescribe drugs for purposes not recommended on the label and not approved by the FDA.

99.  Doctors who frequently use these drugs to treat women with implants "ought to be put out of business," he said.

100.  Dodgers coaches frequently drop by the camp owned by Dodgers coach Reggie Smith.

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