81.  Although I usually prefer oysters naked, these sauces were delicious, especially the tomato scooped onto crisp rolls.

82.  Although I was initially skeptical about the need for a closed-top Z3, and especially about the far-out design, the M Coupe won me over.

83.  Any wood board floor must have an expansion joint along its border, especially along the side where the boards are parallel to the wall.

84.  Any wood board floor must have an expansion joint along its border, especially along the side where the boards are parellel to the wall.

85.  Cutting these funds is thus an especially cruel gesture.

86.  Democrats have been much more successful in congressional races, especially in the southern part of the state.

87.  Democrats have not been immune to partisan skirmishing, especially in trying to add pork-barrel spending to their own proposals for economic stimulus.

88.  Democrats hope the issue will help Vice President Al Gore _ especially with women.

89.  Despite precautions, health and pool experts say accidents will happen, especially with young children.

90.  Despite problems, the book is entertaining, especially for publishing insiders.

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