61.  Despite game performances, especially Stephen Baldwin as Barney, "Flintstones" is hardly a gay old time.

62.  Despite his easy-going manner, O'Meara is a fierce competitor who is one of the game's great putters, especially on familiar courses.

63.  Despite his enthusiasm for high-low training, Levine warns that it is no magic bullet, especially for amateur athletes.

64.  Despite his profound harmlessness, people would especially like him to be somewhere else.

65.  Despite his star-studded roster, he will be remembered especially for his work on the road among affluent masses in the 1960s and '70s.

66.  Demand was especially strong in wholesale and retail trades and in construction.

67.  DeMent, 36, a native of northeast Arkansas who lives outside Nashville, Tenn., grew up around music, especially church music.

68.  Despite its decline, Netcom retains a strong reputation, especially as a network.

69.  Despite its mandate, the coalition was jabbed mercilessly, especially by members of the Rev. Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionists.

70.  Cusack, too, is one of the most reliably brilliant comedians around, especially when it comes to playing sweet consternation.

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