81.  Although radiologists say radiation protection is more effective than ever before and patients face little risk from properly administered X-rays, the problem hasn't entirely gone away.

82.  As Conoco so eloquently explained to The New York Times, the agreement is entirely legal.

83.  Dole's focus Monday was almost entirely on the issues of trust and integrity.

84.  Dole's scowl suggests that he expects, any moment, a delivery that will fill the room entirely.

85.  Done in the early 19th century, pin-work pictures were made entirely by pinpricks, then painted with watercolors.

86.  Donlan quoted Reilly as saying the commissioner had been "entirely unhelpful."

87.  Dombeck, who is 52 and began his government career in 1978, is not entirely new to criticism.

88.  Dissenting voices, if not entirely banished, are consigned to low-visibility venues like the South Dakota delegation at a 7 a.m. prayer breakfast.

89.  Delivered new to Harry Stetson of haberdashery fame, the body is constructed entirely of ash and mahogany.

90.  Dell didn't desert Latin America entirely, however.

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