61.  Dixon represents an entirely different level of player, and he is the player Indiana must stop.

62.  Disney's film, the first full-length animated feature to be created entirely by computer, is a suitably contemporary tale.

63.  Do not puree entirely; a bit of texture should remain.

64.  District officials say the public will never be entirely pleased -- largely because of the tolls.

65.  Do away with it entirely.

66.  Doctors say this is an entirely different problem.

67.  Diorama locales may be as eye-catching as what Bierstadt and Church chose to paint, but the dioramists wanted to make images that went entirely unnoticed as art.

68.  Does the United States foot the bill entirely for this?

69.  Doesn't matter _ Gore's point about the dangers faced by fictional people was entirely valid.

70.  Does it mean I eliminate the appearance entirely?

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