61.  Third, when talking, boys often sit at angles to each other and look elsewhere in the room, periodically glancing at each other.

62.  However, men sit at angels to each other and look elsewhere in the room.

63.  On the contrary, men prefer to sit at angels to each other and look elsewhere in the room, periodically glancing at each other.

64.  Firstly, when talking, girls confront each other directly while boys may look elsewhere in the room.

65.  Different Communicattive Ways among Boys and Girls\

66.  On top of the above, boys usually sit at angles to each other and look elsewhere in the room, as if they are thinking about other things or taking a nap.

67.  And girls usually exchange their stories and secrets while boys like to tell jokes or talk about games which they like, I find that when talking, girls face each other directly but boys don't glance at each other and they usually look elsewhere in the room.

68.  But the boys always sit at angles to each other and looked elsewhere in the room.

69.  For example, when talking, boys usually sit at angles to each other and look elsewhere in the room, periodically glancing at each other, while girls face each other directly, their eyes an-chore on each other's faces.

70.  Nevertheless, boys usually sit at angles to each other and look elsewhere in the room, periodically glancing at each other while they are chatting with each other.

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