11.  Besides, girls' eyes stare at each others' faces to make sure that the topic they're talking about is attractive while boys look elsewhere, glancing at each other.

12.  According to the research, the girls face each other directly, though the boys sit at angles to each other and look elsewhere in the room.

13.  Contrary to this, boys usually look elsewhere and periodically glance at each other.

14.  However, boys look elsewhere when they are talking, periodically glancing at each other.

15.  For one thing, boys are used to sit at angles to each other and look elsewhere in the room, periodically glancing at each other while girls tend to confront each other directly, their eyes anchored on each other at the time of talking.

16.  Besides, they are used to sit at angles to each other, with their eyes wandered elsewhere in the room.

17.  However, boys prefer to talk with their eyes looking elsewhere in the room.

18.  I find that girls mostly confront each other directly while boys often sit at and look elsewhere.

19.  For example, girls are willing to face each other directly when chatting, while boys prefer sitting at angles and looking elsewhere randomly.

20.  They also find that boys usually sit at angles to each other and look elsewhere in the room, periodically glancing at each other.

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