71.  As a hard-luck Southern cracker, Stone's not completely out of her range, but why get serious with a movie as silly as this?

72.  As a law professor, I felt I hadn't been completely castrated.

73.  As both a writer and director Haas has so little feel for comedy that he is completely reliant on the actors to find the clown inside their characters.

74.  Do not actually trim the nail until after the pet is completely comfortable with this process.

75.  Do not applaud a performance until it is completely finished.

76.  Do not cut completely through the plaster or the paper on the face side.

77.  Distributors must have the new fuel on hand by Dec. 1, and refiners in areas where reformulated gasoline is required must have switched over completely by Jan. 1.

78.  Debra Kelman, a spokesman for Loews, said Tisch's political work for Gore was "completely separate" from his job with Loews.

79.  Do dress for success _ completely.

80.  Do not remove from springform pan until completely chilled, at least 4 hours or overnight.

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