91.  As a result, defense lawyers are allowed to exploit the weaknesses of disabled people, leaving victims' testimony in shambles _ or excluded completely.

92.  Deconstruct this sentence and you realize the male romantic lead would not have sounded nearly as wacky had he just said he was "completely in love."

93.  Doing business in China is complicated and completely different from in the U.S.

94.  Does the ubiquity of a completely reproducible artifact raise or lower its value?

95.  Does this mean that we are completely safe from an oil-fed economic crisis?

96.  Deeply rooted patterns that can be found in most parent-child relationships are also difficult to shut out completely.

97.  Defining the character of Buick's midsize offering, Coates said, meant creating two completely separate cars.

98.  Dolly, for example, seemed completely normal before suddenly turning obese.

99.  Don Newman was completely overmatched.

100.  Donald Cordes, a lawyer for Koch Industries and himself a defendant in Howard Marshall's suit, called such claims "completely meritless."

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