81.  Any soldier marking time until Kosovo turns into a ground war should snap up a copy and get ready for the worst, as seen through Mauldin's eyes.

82.  Any solvents that didn't burn were washed down into the aquifer and would go into the ground water."

83.  Any sperm found would be stored in freezers and returned to Japan for the breeding program.

84.  Del Valle and Cruz couldn't shuck corn if given a bag of frozen Green Giant niblets and told how to operate the microwave oven.

85.  Delacroix, when young, loved and admired Bonington, and the two friends both contribute a great deal to this show.

86.  Delaney went on to play two seasons with the Kansas City Chiefs and was named AFC Rookie of the Year in 1982.

87.  DeRosa had to come out of the game and so did Harry Nakielny, Princeton's starting quarterback.

88.  Derrick Reid closed his 6-year-old eyes and cupped a palm over each of his ears.

89.  Derrick was at the courthouse one day with a friend and saw Asher.

90.  Dervis was brought in by Ecevit with a promise of broad authority over the economy and was hailed as a savior whose international experience would help secure new aid.

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