71.  Derian was a leader for Team USA at the World Cup and helped them upset Canada, scoring three goals in four games against the perennial champs.

72.  Defying U.S. requests that they stay out of Kabul, alliance units occupied the city and tacked their green, white and black flags to ministry gates.

73.  Deitutu immigrated to the United States in the 1980s and lived in New York for 10 years before he decided to enlist.

74.  DeKalb Juvenile Court Judge Robin Nash said delinquent girls, especially those involved in prostitution, are different than boys and should be treated differently.

75.  Deke just laughed like a hyena and howled at the moon.

76.  Del Pico and his staff in Smithville treated the wing and began force-feeding the eagle rainbow trout.

77.  Del Ponte was born in Boston and graduated from Harvard College and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

78.  Del Regato came to the United States in 1939 and worked briefly at the Chicago Tumor Institute.

79.  Del Toro took the call _ and made the cult hit "Mimic" in 1997.

80.  Del Tredici asked permission of the building's owner to take some cuttings from the yellow part, and then propagated the plant at the arboretum's greenhouses.

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