1.  Any product with stronger encryption could not be sold abroad.

2.  As a child she wanted to be an artist and, like many children from prosperous families, was educated abroad.

3.  Cuban officials said the five were only the last in a recent series of attackers trained abroad.

4.  Degussa, which sells about 78 percent of its products abroad, is among German chemical makers benefiting from the mark's weakness against other major currencies.

5.  Described by his advisers as quiet and reserved, Al-Waleed nonetheless has a flamboyant streak that surfaces when travelling abroad.

6.  Designers get collection ideas on visits to factories abroad, and they're making a lot more of those visits.

7.  DeSormier and hundreds of other people with diabetes in the United States and abroad are participating in studies to test ways of taking insulin without needles.

8.  Curators generally view food brought into their galleries with the same enthusiasm Customs officials display toward raw edibles from abroad.

9.  Current sanctions restrict some flights of the Afghan airline and block off any Taliban financial assets abroad.

10.  Currently the artist has five shows traveling in this country and abroad.

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