31.  Although it is unclear how many jobs have been sent abroad, more such losses appear likely.

32.  As a result of the deliberative poll process, Bill Kaiser of Scottsdale, Ariz., said he discovered a new rationale for the nation's role abroad.

33.  Deutsche Bank itself illustrates the threat from abroad.

34.  Devaluing the koruna would make Czech goods cheaper abroad, boost Czech industry and shrink the nation's widening trade deficit.

35.  DFS sells exclusively in dollars and Japanese shoppers, at home and abroad, account for 65 percent of its sales.

36.  Diaghilev's expatriate company and its successors, however, continued to perform them abroad.

37.  Did Bush's debate performance convince enough voters that he has the experience, skill-set, and resolve to take over an America suddenly threatened from abroad?

38.  Despite the rapid growth in American exports, foreign companies are selling more in the United States than American business sells abroad.

39.  Direct foreign investments do throw Americans out of work when companies take advantage of low wages abroad to build factories and then ship goods back into the United States.

40.  Direct insurance abroad jumped 219.1 percent to 1.685 billion pesetas.

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