1.   Disability and age While the vast majority of older people are able to live independently, significant minorities experience considerable difficulties.

2.   Graduates often experience considerable difficulties in getting their first job.

3.   I have talked to lady presidents of prior years who have said that they did not experience any difficulties.

4.   If you experience difficulty in reaching these standards, your manager will try to help you improve your performance.

5.   Inevitably with the rapid expansion of the past few years the University is experiencing difficulties in providing sufficient academic as well as residential accommodation.

6.   Many local companies have recently been experiencing financial difficulties.

7.   People with disabilities also experience severe difficulties in both training and the labour Market.

8.   Pupils experienced difficulties in applying skills in new contexts, and in understanding what skills were needed to solve new problems.

9.   Some parents experienced difficulty when they tried to move their children to other schools.

v. + difficulty >>共 299
have 50.02%
face 9.00%
experience 2.78%
encounter 2.41%
cause 2.01%
overcome 1.99%
acknowledge 1.54%
underscore 1.23%
cite 1.21%
pose 1.05%
experience + n. >>共 1136
problem 7.00%
pain 4.31%
difficulty 3.26%
growth 2.51%
loss 1.57%
symptom 1.48%
delay 1.44%
discomfort 1.25%
trouble 1.14%
feeling 1.05%
每页显示:    共 142