51.   But elements of that crisis are already recurrent news headlines.

52.   But I can not see it solving the crisis of the socialist left.

53.   But in an increasingly integrated global economy, pronouncing a crisis over is a risky game.

54.   But it is possible to dissect most crises and examine each component in turn.

55.   But it was not economic distress that precipitated the present crisis.

56.   But memory is highly selective, particularly within an organization that has weathered numerous crises and moments of extreme duress.

57.   But people like Shakiri do not believe there can be a peaceful solution to the crisis.

58.   But that was the day the crisis spiralled out of control.

59.   But the crisis follows long-term growth.

60.   But the escalating crisis May now force Western leaders to use military air power to protect relief efforts.

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