21.   For the purposes of this book, America is taken to include the continent north of Mexico.

22.   For them, this book and the array of other resources available in bookstores and workshop programs will have to suffice.

23.   General grants A full discussion of the methods of distributing the general grant is beyond the scope of this book.

24.   Given the topic of this book, you might expect a bias in favor of finding behavior-driven performance challenges.

25.   Had Fernand Braudel lived to see this book republished, he would surely have wanted to rewrite it.

26.   Have you read this book?

27.   Having read the previous chapters of this book, you know better.

28.   Here we shall merely try to summarise the main points that are immediately relevant to the topic of this book.

29.   His later exploits in Persia fall outside the scope of this book.

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