91.   The strength of this book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.

92.   The tenor of this book has been pessimistic, but not, I hope, despairing.

93.   The theories and stories in this book should provide not only sustenance in material quests, but also a splash of fun.

94.   The vivisystems I examine in this book are nearly bottomless complications, vast in range, and gigantic in nuance.

95.   They are all part of that continuing process of gaining experience in rational curriculum planning which forms the theme of this book.

96.   They can, as all the fathers in this book so clearly demonstrate.

97.   They will get attention in connection with the second hypothesis of the theory of determinism of this book.

98.   They will not be discussed further in this book.

99.   This book addresses many of the political concerns of border people.

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