1.   The move was supported by the government.

2.   Both parties supported moves for reunification.

3.   Congress must fully support moves by the T U C and the Labour Party to ensure that temporary workers are treated no less favourably than full-time workers.

4.   We should support the move for an increase in the use of new technologies for the storage and dissemination of information throughout the union.

5.   The move was supported last night by the Automobile Association which said the system already worked well in England and Wales.

6.   Although the Police Department concedes that a ban on some handguns is not a panacea for violence and can be circumvented, it supports the move.

7.   Army football coach Bob Sutton supports the move.

8.   At that time, the unions, including PASS, supported the move.

9.   Besides Straley, two other board members, Rose Shapiro and Morris Iushewitz, supported the move.

10.   Both Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger and City Comptroller Alan Hevesi said they supported the move to five-member crews as an enhancement to safety.

v. + move >>共 719
make 20.90%
oppose 4.53%
welcome 3.71%
see 3.66%
announce 2.74%
support 2.63%
aim 2.20%
block 1.85%
criticize 1.61%
consider 1.56%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
move 0.98%
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